標本兼治智慧伸,內聖外王圓滿臻。 Treat both the symptoms and root causes, for in this way one manifests the wisdom to perfect the cultivation of inner virtue and the performance of meritorious deeds. 準繩規矩不可紊,而弗失之道從遵。 Rules and guidelines must be kept to maintain order, so that one may always act in accordance with the Great Tao. 崇高品性得公認,心悅誠服皆敬欽。 Once one’s noble character has gained recognition from others, they will feel a heartfelt admiration and give you their respect. 德者若谷鄰親近,大白若辱心純真。 A virtuous person approaches other with humility. With a pure heart, one does not feel insulted even when misunderstood. 人有壯志天助陣,人有善愿佛助奔。 Heaven will help those having lofty aspirations, and Buddhas will rush to help those having kind wishes. 崇德人 Chong-De cultivators! 肩負著傳承天命金線,延續一貫道脈之神聖使命; Shoulder the sacred mission of inheriting the Golden Line to continue the Yi-Guan Tao lineage! 扮演著五湖四海芸芸眾生歸根認母之領航員; Act as the navigators, guiding worldwide sentient beings to recognize Heavenly Mater and return to Her! 承繼著老祖師、師尊、師母、老前人之宏偉德業; Inherit and continue the magnificent virtuous mission of Lao-Zu-Shi, Shi-Zun, Shi-Mu and Lao-Qian-Ren! 承擔著承先啟後、繼往開來之榮耀天職。 Undertake the honorable Heavenly responsibility of carrying on the past and opening a way for future! 故,崇德人不論天職高低,道齡深淺; Thus, Chong-De cultivators, regardless of your status or age, 不論乾坤或貧富貴賤,皆當素位而行,以身示道。 Regardless of your gender, your wealth, and your social status, you should perform your role accordingly: manifest Tao through your actions and behavior. 日日以智慧覺察己言行,是否合乎道? Each and every day use wisdom to ensure that you are being mindful of your words and deeds – are they aligned with Tao? 時時以智慧覺知己修辦,是否正知見? Be constant in using wisdom to cultivate and propagate Tao – do you have the right comprehension and the right views? 二六以智慧覺照己心念,是否皆光明? At all times, use wisdom to enlighten your mind and thoughts – is there brightness and clarity? 分秒以智慧覺悟己愿力,是否真實踐? Moment by moment, use wisdom to observe the power of your vows – are you fulfilling them truthfully? 能自覺者,必能覺他; Those who are enlightened must be able to guide others toward enlightenment. 猶如一根蠟燭,能燃燒自己,必能照亮他人。 In the same way that a burning candle must be able to illuminate others. 能自悟者,必能以身示道,承上啟下,尊師重道。 Those who are self-awakened must be able to manifest Tao, by respecting the seniors and mentoring the juniors, revering the Holy Teachers and esteeming Tao. 能自渡者,必有光明坦蕩之言行、慈悲喜捨之胸襟; Those who are self-realized must be bright and magnanimous in both speech and deeds, and have a compassionate and benevolent mind. 進而使父母、兄弟、親友、鄰居, Furthermore, your parents, brothers, relatives, friends, neighbors, 以至道場同修、前賢、後學,皆因接觸你而受感化。 Even your fellow cultivators, seniors and juniors in the temple are all touched and influenced by you. 使迷惑者,得解惑; Let the confused have their answer. 使沉淪苦海之餘蘊,得以覺醒登道岸 Let those who are drowning in the suffering sea be awakened and reach the shore of Tao. 領悟人生真諦,發心修辦。 Comprehend the true meaning of life through devotion to cultivating and propagating Tao. 使修辦過程受挫者,得以重整旗鼓,奮發向上。 Let those who are frustrated in their cultivation journey regroup and march forward. 使發心者,精益求精,正己成人。 Let those who have zealous aspirations strive for improvement – become righteous and help others to become righteous. 批至此,問一問崇德人: So, I ask the Chong-De cultivators: 是否看重自己?是否嚴以律己? Do you value yourself? Do you exercise strict self-discipline? 是否全心全意?是否盡心竭力? Are you doing it whole-heartedly? Are you doing and giving your best? 一字字,一句句,皆為喚醒同修你; Every word, every sentence, is to wake up my fellow cultivators. 一字字,一句句,皆為大愛續傳遞。 Every word, every sentence, is to pass on and continue the great love. 身為崇德人,敬天地,禮神明,貴乎誠敬; As a Chong-De cultivator, respect Heaven and Earth, and revere all Divinities with the utmost sincerity and respect. 身為崇德人,道並行,德不悖,貴乎誠信; As a Chong-De cultivator, your sincerity and trustworthiness in practicing Tao and following morality is most important. 身為崇德人,護天命,大道揚,貴乎誠心; As a Chong-De cultivator, your sincerity in safeguarding the Heavenly Decree and propagating Tao is most valuable. 身為崇德人,明明德,新民作,貴乎誠摯; As a Chong-De cultivator, your earnestness in restoring your bright true nature to renew yourself is most significant. 身為崇德人,勤學道,志修辧,貴乎誠懇。 As a Chong-De cultivator, your heartfelt sincerity in diligently learning, aspiring to cultivate and propagate Tao is most precious. 望吾崇德人,以此篇自勵自勉,自我期許。 I hope that Chong-De cultivators will use this oracle message to motivate, inspire and establish goals for yourselves. 盼吾崇德人,秉持真心誠意,真修實煉,必能真道真成。 I hope that Chong-De cultivators have sincerity and honesty for genuine cultivation and your true spiritual practice will assuredly lead to genuine enlightenment. 新一年,重發心愿,知行合一,立志成為「標準崇德人」。 In this coming new year, renew your wish, practice what you have learned and aspire to become a ‘Noble Chong-De Cultivator’. 2018/02/04歲次丁酉12/19
臺北崇德佛院/負責講師輔導講師研習 February 4, 2018 Taipei, Chong-De Temple Training Class for Responsible Lecturers and Assistant Lecturers, Taipei Tao Community 翻譯: 砂勞越道務中心汶萊區 譯稿修訂: 發一崇德八大人才庫外語庫英語組 評論已關閉。